I sent out an e-mail to tell the instrument service engineers not to show up to work, posted the 'snow day' status on Facebook, then got dressed and went outside.
The last time that I played in the snow was on my birthday of this year. My sister and I specifically drove to Palm Springs and took the aerial to the top of the mountain. We hiked a bit in the half-melted ice-snow amongst the hundreds of other Los Angelenos who were slipping and sliding on the snow. Growing up in Wisconsin, we took snow for granted. In Southern California, we treasured the snow.
Not only do I get to play in the snow today, but I get a SNOW DAY! I feel like a little kid again. I don't have forgotten homework due, and I don't have anywhere to be today. I feel like I won a day of absolute freedom!
First thing outside, I was an adult and headed out the door with a broom and an ice scraper. I swept the snow off the stairs and front stoop. There was a layer of ice underneath the snow, but I'm hoping that the sun will melt it and dry the sidewalk today.
Then I brushed and scraped the ice and snow off of my car, and ran the engine for a few minutes to make sure it was still okay.
Then I walked around the neighborhood. I saw people walking their dogs and salting the parking lot.
When I got home, I made some warm cereal. It was something my mom used to make for my sister, brother, and me after playing in the snow.
While uploading the photos that I took today, I found the following photos on the same memory card. I took them in Florida exactly two weeks ago from today:
What a contrast, huh?
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